Eat Your Greens
Well, it's Thanksgiving again, and my four year old charge is celebrating with out-of-town family members and friends. The house is full of hungry people and buzzing with lively activity. Proud Grandparents are doting on expectant children, and the enthusiastic tots screech and clamor for their attention.
The Generational Gap
I know I said I would update on a bi-weekly basis, but occasionally, a little something happens that warrants sharing. A few days ago, I was preparing my five year old charge for preschool. Upon removing his pajamas, I made the same discovery I had been making the past month or so…
Anatomically Correct Primate Genitalia
Today the children and I are visiting the zoo, and as luck would have it, the temperature is a brisk 96 degrees in the shade, with 87% humidity. The children love the zoo, and we visit often. Oddly enough, some of their favorite attractions are the many life sized bronze animal statues that are scattered around the park.